Department of Sustainability

We are addressing climate change and creating a sustainable, healthy, equitable, and resilient Cuyahoga County.

The Department of Sustainability has three primary goals:

  1. Steward a healthy environment to enhance the well-being of Cuyahoga County residents and visitors
  2. Develop the County in a sustainable manner and enable equitable, green jobs
  3. Engage, educate, and activate our stakeholders on important sustainability matters

Learn more about Department Initiatives, 5-year sustainability strategy (2024) and Climate Action Plan (2019).


Featured Initiatives

2 County Workers planting a tree in front of a residential home

Tree Canopy

The Healthy Urban Tree Canopy Grant promotes tree planting and maintenance projects.

Bring Your Own Bags

Learn how local retailers and shoppers can work together to eliminate plastic checkout bags.

Cleveland lakefront view

Fresh Water Institute

The Fresh Water Institute is a catalyst to strengthen our culture of freshwater stewardship.