Sexennial Reappraisal

Reappraisal by state licensed appraisers

Property Search

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Court Dockets

Case records search system and more

Records Search

Cuyahoga County official records search

Social Services

County residents benefits & services


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County Spotlight

Man speaking at podium in front of crowd at meeting in Cuyahoga County.
Property Value Reappraisal

Community meetings are scheduled to inform residents about their Proposed Property Valuations.

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Cuyahoga Council executive and other officials at event.
EPA Grant Funding

EPA Grant Funding Cuyahoga County received funding for Climate Pollution Reduction from the EPA.

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Fresh veggies and greens
SNAP Changes Coming

County agency adding staff to prepare for Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) changes.

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Cris Ronayne smiling in suit and tie

County Executive Chris Ronayne took office in January of 2023. He is dedicated to public service, with leadership and measurable results at the County Planning Commission, the City of Cleveland, and University Circle.


group of council members

County Council is the co-equal legislative branch of government made up of 11 elected representatives voted on by the people of their respective districts. Council meetings are the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at 5:00 p.m. and open to the public.

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