Compliance Auditing

Compliance Auditing, Reviewing, & Reporting

The Cuyahoga County Charter authorizes the Personnel Review Commission (PRC) to review, audit, report, and make recommendations regarding the following:

  • Pay equity for like positions;
  • Standardization of benefits;
  • Approval of qualifications;
  • Consistent discipline;
  • Training of management in personnel practices;
  • Training of employees in job functions; and
  • Consistent administration of performance management system.

The Charter empowers the PRC to review and audit compliance with federal, state, and local laws regarding personnel matters within the County Executive’s organization and departments. This includes the authority to submit reports and recommendations to the County Executive and County Council on issues of compliance. View the compliance reporting.

Appointments and Temporary Work Level Reports

A fundamental requirement of appointments in the civil service of the County is that they must be made according to merit and fitness, to be ascertained as far as practicable by competitive examinations. In accordance with the Charter, the PRC reviews appointments and temporary work level appointments made in the County Executive’s organizations and departments annually to assess compliance with the civil service laws of the County, the Ohio Revised Code, and the State of Ohio Constitution. The PRC prepares reports and recommendations and provides them to County Council, the PRC Commissioners, and the County’s Department of Human Resources. View the 2023 Appointments Report.

Ethics and Whistleblower Reports

The Charter and the County’s Ethics Policy govern the duties of the PRC relative to the Cuyahoga County Ethics Policy. The Ethics Policy, also known as the Ethics Code or Law, is stated in Title 4 of the Cuyahoga County Code (Code). Annually, the PRC reviews various aspects of the County’s compliance with the ethics policy and submits reports and recommendations to Council and the County Executive.



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