Department of Internal Auditing

The Department of Internal Auditing (DIA) provides independent, objective assurance and consulting activities designed to help the County accomplish its objectives, identify operational improvement, and reduce risk exposure. DIA provides a variety of value-added services to County departments, focused on improving operations by evaluating the effectiveness of risk management, internal control, and governance processes.

What We Do

Assurance Audits

Assurance audits are an objective assessment on the county's governance, risk management, and control processes over an issue, condition or subject matter. DIA typically performs the following audits:
  • Financial-Related Audits - Determine whether the audit unit is maintaining effective control over revenues, expenditures, assets, liabilities, and financial operations (e.g. controls exist on the collection of cash); properly accounting for resources, liabilities and operations; and using accounting methods and procedures that conform to established policies, practices, and guidelines.
  • Performance/Operational Audits - Determine whether the audit unit is managing or utilizing its resources (e.g., public funds or equipment) in an economical, effective, and efficient manner. This audit can be limited in scope to a specific function within an agency (e.g., work-related travel).
  • Compliance Audits - Evaluate whether activities required by law or policy are being carried out and comply with those laws and policies. This audit can be limited in scope to a specific law or policy requirement (e.g., Ohio Revised Code Section).


Consulting/Advisory Services

This work includes advice, analysis, or review of policies, processes, systems or internal controls. These services could involve training and facilitating discussion about risks and controls.

Contact Information

2079 East Ninth Street, Room 4-300
Cleveland, Ohio 44115


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