Chapter 114: Appointment and Confirmation

Section 114.01: Submission of Appointments to County Council

A. The submission of any candidate to the Council for confirmation shall be accompanied by the following:

  1. A letter from the candidate requesting the appointment, if such a letter was submitted to the appointing authority;
  2. A copy of the candidate’s current résumé or equivalent summary of academic, professional, and experiential qualifications;
  3. A copy of any and all professional licenses or other credentials held by the candidate that are required to be held by the appointee; and
  4. A letter from the appointing authority providing the following information:
    a. The title of the board, agency, commission, or authority to which the candidate is being appointed;
    b. Any statutory or other qualifications required to hold the appointed position, plus a statement that the candidate meets such qualifications;
    c. The specific term of office during which the candidate would serve;
    d. An indication of whether the candidate is being considered for a new appointment or for reappointment;
    e. For a new appointment: the name of the individual who the candidate would replace;
    f. For a reappointment: the past attendance record of the candidate, if maintained by the board, agency, commission or authority to which the candidate is being appointed;
    g. A cumulative list of individuals who applied for the position;
    h. The candidate’s city and county of residence;
    i. An indication of whether the candidate currently serves on any government, private, or non-profit board or commission;
    j. An indication of whether any opinion was requested or issued from the Inspector General, the Ohio Ethics Commission, or other authority regarding potential conflicts of interest related to the candidate’s appointment.
    k. If the candidate is being appointed to a compensated position, the starting annual compensation of the position.

B. In the event that any of the information identified in this Section is not provided to the Council with the submission of an appointment, such omission shall be deemed sufficient grounds for rejection of a candidate’s appointment by the Council.

(Ordinance Nos. O2015-0001, Enacted 1/27/2015, Effective 1/29/2015; O2014-0030, Enacted 11/12/2014, Effective 11/13/2014)

Section 114.02: Notice of Interim Appointments

A. In the event an interim appointment is made pursuant to Section 2.03 (2) of the charter, the county executive or designee shall notify the president of council within five days of making the appointment, including the date the appointment was made, and shall file the interim appointee’s oath of office with the clerk of council pursuant to chapter 107 of this code.

B. New Executive's Interim Appointments
A new County Executive may make interim appointments for up to 120 days without Council confirmation in accordance with Section 2.03 (2) of the County Charter, notwithstanding the status or length of service of previous interim appointments made by a predecessor Executive.

(Ordinance Nos. O2015-0004, Enacted 4/29/2015, Effective 4/29/15; O2015-0001, Enacted 1/27/2015, Effective 1/29/2015; O2014-0022, Enacted 9/23/2014, Effective 9/29/2014)

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