Chapter 111: Legal Services for Executive-elect and Office of the Executive-elect

Section 111.01 Executive-elect and the Office of the Executive-elect’s Access to Legal Representation and Attorney-Client Privilege

A. The Executive-elect and the Office of the Executive-elect shall have the right to receive legal advice, opinions, and representation from the Law Department.

B. The Law Department shall add the Executive-elect and the Office of the Executive-elect as clients with full rights, including the ability to access the Law Department’s electronic intake system as clients.

C. In receiving legal advice, opinions, and representation from the Law Department, the Executive-elect and the Office of the Executive-elect shall each be entitled to their own attorney-client privilege with the Law Department as their legal counsel. The Law Department shall take the necessary measures to protect the confidentiality of its communications with the Executive-elect and the Office of the Executive-elect, including protection from disclosure of such communications to the Executive or Council.

(Ordinance No. O2014-0022, Enacted 9/23/2014, Effective 9/29/2014)

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