Budget Commission

The Budget Commission is composed of three officials: the Cuyahoga County Executive, Fiscal Officer, and Prosecutor.

The County Fiscal Officer serves as the Secretary to the Commission and employs a staff to execute the statutory functions of the Budget Commission.

The primary functions are:

  • Auditing annual tax budgets of 105 taxing authorities in Cuyahoga County.
  • Determining annual property tax rates for each taxing authority.
  • Issuing Official Amended Certificate of Estimated Resources to each taxing authority; this document is a statement of all estimated revenues and is used as a budgetary tool to review spending.
  • Distributing all property tax revenues collected to 38 cities, 19 villages, 2 townships, 33 school districts, 9 library systems, and 4 county taxing authorities (Cuyahoga County Executive, Cleveland-Cuyahoga County Port Authority, Cuyahoga Community College, and Cleveland Metroparks). Over 3.8 billion dollars of tax revenues are distributed annually.


Property Tax Estimator

You can estimate the current level of full year property taxes, based on last year's opinion value associated with a property.


Calculate the Effect of a Tax Levy on Your Bill

You can estimate how much a tax levy will impact your tax bill.


Schools and Local Governments Data

Visit our Taxing Authority Site which breaks down data by Municipalities and Schools.


Budget Commission FAQ

How are my property taxes determined?
Why do my property taxes keep going up?
Where do my property taxes go?
What is House Bill 920?
What is a "mill?"
Who makes up the property tax base in my community?
Are all taxpayers assessed at the same rate of taxation?
What are the differences between a renewal, replacement, and additional levy?



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