Optional E-Filing Available in Cuyahoga County Domestic Relations Court


The Domestic Relations Division of the Common Pleas Court will commence E-Filing for all domestic relations cases beginning April 17, 2017. Attorneys may now electronically file all new domestic relations cases, except domestic violence, beginning April 17, 2017. Other filings in existing cases such as affidavits, briefs, motions, will also be accepted. Self-represented parties may participate in the E-Filing program but will not be required to do so. The Court has adopted an Administrative Order regarding the particulars of E-Filing. The Court’s E-Filing Administrative Order can be viewed at http://domestic.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/E-Filing.aspx available on the home page of the Court's website under “E-Filing.”

An E-Filing Account Application, E-Filing User Guide, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions can be found in the E-Filing portion the Clerk of Courts’ website.

If you have any questions regarding E-Filing please contact the E-Filing Help Desk by phone at 216-698-8682 or by email at Efile_support@cuyahogacounty.us.

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